Eli Levin and Rebecca Baum fall madly in love in Munich in the early 1930's and must overcome family disapproval, social prejudice, and the growing Nazi party.
Imogen's Review
This is a story that spans two years during a time when Germany was under turmoil and the Nazi party was coming to power. It is the story about two lovers, a Catholic woman and a Jewish man. It’s a story about their struggles in these fraught times.
Ami Blackwelder recounts the issues of this couple in a poignant, thought-provoking manner. The story has a slow pace which allows the reader to absorb the atmosphere of the lives (including the religious traditions) of the main characters, Eli and Rebecca. I would recommend this book to those interested in historical romance (no explicit scenes) from this era.
About the Author

I grew up in Florida and went to UCf. in 1997 had my BA in English and teaching credentials. I decided to travel overseas and teach and have worked in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. Thailand is considered my second home now. I have always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, my novels began when I was in Thailand
Q&A with Ami Blackwelder
Who/what inspired you to write this story?
The inspiration behind The Day the Flowers Died came to me literally in a dream. I awoke with such an intense passion for these two characters and an urge to tell their story that consumed me for three months, until the story was written.
Who could you see playing the main characters, Rebecca and Eli, in a movie adaptation?
Eli could definitely be played by Robert Sean Leonard (ten years ago) or perhaps 'sweets' from Bones. Rebecca could be played by Keira Knightly or Sandra Bullock.
Eli could definitely be played by Robert Sean Leonard (ten years ago) or perhaps 'sweets' from Bones. Rebecca could be played by Keira Knightly or Sandra Bullock.
Where did you get your background information?
I watched videos on youtube about the 1930's , Munich, Hitler, Nazis, and some of it was terrifying. But it puts you in the frame of mind needed. I also researched online in various historical sites.
I watched videos on youtube about the 1930's , Munich, Hitler, Nazis, and some of it was terrifying. But it puts you in the frame of mind needed. I also researched online in various historical sites.
Will there be a sequel?
No. This is a one time thing. I don't think any of my historical fiction will have sequels. But my paranormal and science fiction often do, though I don't plan it at the time:)
No. This is a one time thing. I don't think any of my historical fiction will have sequels. But my paranormal and science fiction often do, though I don't plan it at the time:)
For more Q&A's with Ami, please see Dawn's previous interview: The Hunted of 2060
Ami has posted an excerpt from her excellent e-book, The Hunted of 2060, on PatronQuo.com.
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