With underlining themes of how prejudice breaks human connections and animal/wildlife conservation, this novel which has received rave reviews will leave the reader flipping through the pages of April’s story.
Q&A with Ami Blackwelder
How did you come up with the idea for this book?
The Hunted of 2060 was inspired by ideas of metamorphosis, wildlife conservation, and prejudice. I had a vision a year ago of a woman being hunted in the forest and when against a tree with the gun to her face, she changed...metamorphosed into a panther...I was fascinated by the concept and also being a wildlife conservationist thought about how I could incorporate the two themes.
The names you used were so unique. How did you come up with them?
I wanted names not used before, unique to the characters, unless they grew up in the human world. Arquet was born out of Patricia Arquette's last name. Arken was a mix of two male names on my mind (Alex/Kyle). Umin and umia were actually a names to begin, but confusing with all the other a names, and so were changed. Umia was inspired by Uma Thurman's first name. Umin was worked afterward. I use other people's names I find interesting and play with them. (The secret is out;)
What are your plans for this book?
This story is not finished. There will defiantly be a prequel and sequel. I am working on the prequel, The Shifters of 2040 now and am on chapter five. At the end of this interview you will catch a snippet of the prequel;) (Lucky readers). I will send copies of it to celebrities and directors, and producers monthly and hope for a movie deal;) Everyone tells me they can see it on the big screen as a movie. My mom was the first!
If your book makes it to the big screen, who would you like to see play the characters?
When this book makes it to the big screen I would love for Jessica Biel to dye her hair black and play April. She is an amazing actress. Cate Blanchette for Diamond. Jennifer Love Hewitt for Susan (have you see her in The Client List-bad girl). Laura Prepon (from that 70's show) for Umia. Tyrese Gibson for David. Meagan Fox for Arquet. Daniel Radcliffe for Umin, Zac Efron would make a delicious Arken, Robert, Sam Neil for Colonel Marn, Tommy Lee Jones for General Raul (He'd have to grow a mustache).
Are you working on any other projects right now?Currently, I am writing the prequel The Shifters of 2040.
About the Author 
I am a forbidden romance writer in the paranormal and historical romance genre. My unique experiences allow me an original perspective and a plethora of ideas to entertain readers.
I grew up in Florida and went to UCf. in 1997 had my BA in English and teaching credentials. I decided to travel overseas and teach and have worked in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. Thailand is considered my second home now. I have always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, my novels began when I was in Thailand.

I am a forbidden romance writer in the paranormal and historical romance genre. My unique experiences allow me an original perspective and a plethora of ideas to entertain readers.
I grew up in Florida and went to UCf. in 1997 had my BA in English and teaching credentials. I decided to travel overseas and teach and have worked in Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, China and Korea. Thailand is considered my second home now. I have always loved writing and wrote poems and short stores since childhood; however, my novels began when I was in Thailand.
Dawn's Review
The Hunted of 2060 puts a unique twist on the shape-shifter tale. Set fifty years in the future, Ami puts us in an exciting yet controversial time. We quickly learn that all is not as it seems and that those who discover the truth about themselves will be forced to fight for their lives in a war they didn't know existed. The reader is drawn right into the thick of the story, and as we learn the truth about April's life, we become sympathetic to her plight. This story is exciting right to the very last page. I was thrilled to learn of the upcoming prequel and cannot wait to read it.
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