But by night, she's a Mambo's apprentice; a hoodoo practitioner who conjures and fixes with the blink of an eye.
The only problem is that Charlotte isn't very good. In fact, on her first test she accidentally created a vampire when she was supposed to conjure a hoodoo zombie. Things only go downhill from there for Charlotte as she tries to tame her unpredictable vampire puppet.
But when a string of murders spring up Charlotte is obligated to find out who's been skinning the people of Coeur when her Mambo, The Widow, goes missing.
Magic, murder, mystery and mayhem take the lead in this romantic, sexy and enchanting tale of southern rituals that weave together an unpredictable ending and leave you craving for more.
Dawn's Review
Charlotte Roote's life is about to take a turn into the freaky and bizarre. Vampires, wolves, creatures of the unknown; that's just the beginning. From the very start, this book is an adventure. With each twist and turn I was sitting on the edge of my seat. I couldn't help but feel a deep connection with the characters as their lives unfolded in the pages, and felt like I was right there, experiencing everything they were. This is truly one of the best thriller books I've read in a long time, and I can't wait to read more by Ronnell.
About the Author

Ronnell D. Porter currently resides in Salt Lake City, UT. He is always striving to tell a story focusing on vivid characters and their emotions as much as their actions.
Ronnell's Website
I love swinging by and seeing NoHeart sitting right there to welcome me. Gives a warm fuzzy feeling inside :)
Thanks again for the really great review!
Glad to put it up there. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to read more from you.
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