From the moment she, her eleven-year-old son, and his overprotective Rottweiler move in, things start to happen. A strange man is caught lurking in the back yard, and the only neighbor turns out to be a crazy old widow. But not everything is going wrong. One of the men who helped them unload turns out to be a well-built charmer and Janet likes him enough to start dating again, leaving a sitter to watch over her son.
When Michael, and his dog, Lucy-Fur, learn firsthand that their home is haunted by one of the victims of the Butcher's grizzly act, Michael scours the internet and the local library to find out what happened back then. Maggie, the sitter, brings over a Ouija board and they learn the hard way that more than one dark spirit is on the haunt.
Can Lucy-Fur protect her boy from the ghost that wants to possess him? Can Michael fight through the madness and terror to find out what really happened? If he does, maybe the tormented souls can be put to rest so that his mom can keep the house she loves so much. If he fails, he just might become one of them. With the help of Maggie, and a burned out house painter named Oliver, Michael is going to try. The problem is, not everyone is who they seem... even the dead.
The Butcher's Boy by Michael Robb - Take a slow ride into terror!
***Content Warning: This IS NOT the over-gory sort of thrasher-horror novel, but it does touch on some unsettling subject matter and should not be read by children under the age of 17.

The Sword and the Dragon & The Royal Dragoneers have taken on a life of their own as masterworks in the fantasy genre.
Michael's newest release, The Butcher's Boy, is not a fantasy. It is a terrifying Haunted House/Murder-Mystery/Chiller.
In order to maintain a distance from the YA fans of his popular Dragoneers Saga, this frightening tale has been released under the pen name: Michael Robb
The Butcher's Boy is part of this month's sponsorship contest, so if you purchase it before the end of January, you qualify to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Click here for details.
Dawn's Review: Of course I love a good ghost story, but this is so much more than that. The ghosts of the past aren't the only mystery entangled within the story and it doesn't take long to figure out that something is amiss. Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down. Every time I thought I knew what was going on, I realized there was so much more to it. Truly a brilliant piece of work.
P.S. The product placement of The Royal Dragoneers was a hoot! Thanks for the laugh Michael!
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